The Tacoma Rescue Mission is a viable resource in Pierce County, serving our homeless population, by providing pathways out of poverty. There are several ways you can help provide urgently needed items to vulnerable men, women and children in our community. You can securely make a financial gift online from home. Items needed right now to help keep the rescue mission clean and sanitized - cleaning supplies & sanitizing wipes. They also need - disposable gloves, hand sanitizer and if you’re making masks right now, they could use some of those too to help protect mission guests, volunteers & staff.
The Abodies have been making sandwiches every Friday to donate to the rescue mission. On Friday’s at 4:30 PM, we safely drop our tuna, egg salad or meat and cheese sandwiches off in the back of Anne & Dave’s car and then drive them to the Tacoma Rescue Mission. If you’d like to help us make sandwiches too, please reach out!
“We love working with the Tacoma Rescue Mission because we have seen the positive impact they make on the lives of the most vulnerable in our community on a daily basis.” - The Knicelys, Ryan Knicely is a Board Member
Basic items are also in need right now too like hygiene supplies, feminine hygiene products, socks underwear, towels blankets and more. The rescue mission also needs kitchen donations so they can continue to serve mission guests with meals. While you’re at the store picking up essential items for your home, they could use napkins, sandwich bags, sack lunch bags, plastic utensils and more items can be found here, along with where to bring or send the donations. If you have any questions, please call 253.383.4493 or email info@trm.org.